Vizionary World Trade


Smart - Green - Innovative

There are products and smart products. What makes a product smart? We at Vizionary think smart products can have a tremendous impact on people's life and often it's just a little twist that differentiates a smart product from a similar one that offers the same solution to a customer's problem.

The term smart product can be confusing as it is used to cover a broad range of different products, ranging from smart home appliances to smart devices to smart enhancements to everyday products.

One hallmark of a smart product is that that it adds value to everyday use items and enhances the customer benefit.

The world has an immediate need to reduce emissions and de-carbonize the energy and transport sector. While these are longer term goals that most nations are committed to accomplish, the technology for a radical shift in energy consumption is only being developed and not ready for massive and global deployment. In the meantime, the challenge is to optimize the existing.

We at Vizionary believe we have a unique product line that can make a difference when applied at scale.

Innovation is what often is not understood properly and meets resistance. In the business world, innovation is an original idea that’s useful to consumers. But what does that mean, and how can you ensure an idea has these essential ingredients?

One way is by identifying and addressing the pain points consumers are experiencing. Vizionary products address two types of pain points: explicit and latent.

Explicit pain points are those that customers are aware of, and can easily name these pain points, whereas latent pain points are more difficult to define because most customers aren’t aware of them.